Meet the Biscuit

One early morning in May, I was blessed with the birth of my son who, for the purposes of this blog (and the public nature of the information and for privacy reasons), we'll call "The Biscuit." I actually do call him the Biscuit from time to time as a term of endearment.

The Biscuit is 19 months old and quickly approaching the terrible two's stage. I thought this was a perfect time to start blogging about my experience as a mom raising a toddler. Hopefully this will help another parent who's going through the same stuff out there (I'm always looking for helpful advice for toddlers and can't seem to find a holistic, Internet source) or will at least give someone a good laugh. If nothing else, it'll keep me sane when I decide to do this all over again with kid #2.

The Biscuit was nursed for the first 13 months of his life. I'm a big fan of breastfeeding and you CAN do that and work full time. It was lucky for me that I did because on those very few occasions when the Biscuit had to have formula, he got sick and couldn't digest it. I made the choice continue working after he was born, so the Biscuit goes to daycare full-time.

The Biscuit is a handsome handful of a boy. Of course I'm biased, but I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't find his baby blues and curly locks irresistible. He's a hefty boy, weighing in at 32 pounds (he's always been a chunkster). Since he is a big boy, and I am a believer in organic products and a healthy environment for your family, I raised him on organic milk and as much organic foods as I could find and afford.

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